An automatic car uses a gearbox that automatically selects the most appropriate gear for the road conditions at any given moment. Book one of our automatic Suzuki Vitaras!
How do you start an automatic car?
If you are not moving and the engine is turned off, the first thing to do is release the parking brake. Then step on the brake pedal. Once this is done, the desired mode will be engaged. It is usually D-mode, meaning drive. Then gradually lift your foot off the break, so that the vehicle slowly starts moving. You'll then be able to drive normally.
With automatic cars, the first thing to make clear is that only the right foot is used. Never use both feet. The right alternates between acceleration and braking. Rent one of our cars now!
How to use the automatic gearbox
The simplest automatic gearbox position is PRND.
When parking, select parking mode.
Reverse. Otherwise known as going backwards.
Neutral means disengaged, as the name suggests.
Drive, the gear used to move the vehicle forward.
Things to keep an eye on!
Be careful with your left foot, as it is used with the clutch. If you are not yet used to this, it may be easy to forget you are driving an automatic and end up putting your foot on the break by mistake, giving yourself a nasty surprise.
Also take care with your right hand, as you won't be needing it to change gears. The car is automatic! This is not as dangerous as the left foot problem can be, but it might lead to possible distractions. Don't wait a moment longer and rent it now with Menorca cars 21!